a Life in pictures

merry christmases

It must be said that Inge loved Christmas and all the music it rode in on. She liked the decorations, lights, singing, shopping, the wish book, Julie Andrews, the tree, the special outfits, her ever growing collection of angels, the anticipation, even and especially, the table linens – And of course, the visitors - the whole shebang. She loved it with the zeal of a child. You couldn’t help but get carried away with her. 

On the day, she did the whole bit, waking at 6 to stuff the turkey, marshalling the present opening, feeding the family and often unexpected guests. Children at the adult table… Stories from her about her mother and Christmas at home in hard times… opening of large packages from Horst… eating and playing of board games went on all day. Inge laid on the goodies, getting up a big golden bird and generously sharing her famous German shortbread, stockpiled for the occasion. Even with the extra work she seemed relaxed, cheerful… so even Pokey, the tremulous terrier, was allowed in the living room. Inge seemed particularly delighted by the fun of gift giving (when it was still a thing), teasing you with impossible clues about what might be in this box or that one. She wanted to surprise and delight you. It was a wonderful side of her. She was a Christmas star.

oh so Inge
witticisms and aphorisms of Inge's beloved Jane Austen

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